What is i-Bahn
i-Bahn is a complete managed file transfer service that enables the rapid implementation of secure information exchange across diverse technological environments.
Utilizing an agentless architecture that requires no changes to systems environments or processes, Remasys’ i-Bahn delivers accelerated file exchange whilst ensuring that security policies, SLAs or operational processes are not compromised. i-Bahn is a scalable, robust and dependable service that provides a single, secure and auditable control point for all files exchanged, whether internal or external, and empowers businesses to achieve their operational and regulatory requirements.
Case Study – Improve Productivity, Increase Security and Comply with Regulations
Improve Productivity, Increase Security and Comply with Regulations
Business Summary
Managed File Transfer represents a highly functional, valuable and empowering tool that caters to the critical needs of businesses in the age of big data. Although businesses have been able to just about cope with “sticking plaster” solutions such as SFTP in the past, the current explosion of data usage and subsequent security risks means a dedicated and robust solution is now paramount. Remasys’ i-bahn service is such a solution, delivering a trustable, efficient and effective managed file transfer service that offers unquestionable value to a modern business.
As the levels of data and number of files used by businesses continue to grow at an accelerated rate, the subsequent risks to companies as a result of poor file transfer practices also increases. Without a tailored managed file transfer solution in place, companies leave themselves open to a myriad number of risks and threats that could significantly obstruct business operations. Furthermore, companies may not be able to harness the opportunities available to them and prevent their employees from maximum performance.
Modern businesses need to look past outdated approaches and provide their employees with an efficient, secure transfer tool that does not place restrictions on their activities but instead enables them to perform at the highest levels.
MFT Builds Foundations of a Business’s Security, Performance and Regulatory Compliance
Historically, businesses have relied on tools such as SFTP, emails and even physical devices (e.g. USB) to send large files, internally and externally, with varying levels of success. At best, these solutions can be considered “sticking-plasters” that offer a short-term option but fail to deliver the one-size-fits-all that business today require. Considering the rising importance of data, and the resultant rising risk of data breaches, companies can no longer justify using such outdated file transfer solutions.
For businesses today, file transfer needs to be secure, compliant and delivered in an assured, auditable manner that provides businesses control, oversights and risk mitigation for the process. In addition, File Transfer needs to represent a value add tool that improves business productivity and employee performance. A MFT solution is able to offer such value add to an organization, whilst simultaneously ensuring they reduce their risk profile and meet regulatory audit standards.
Our Solution
Remasys’ i-Bahn is a complete managed file transfer service that enables the rapid implementation of secure information exchange across diverse technological environments. Utilizing an agentless architecture that requires no changes to systems environments or processes, Remasys’ i-Bahn delivers accelerated file exchange whilst ensuring that security policies, SLAs or operational processes are not compromised. i-Bahn is a scalable, robust and dependable service that provides a single, secure and auditable control point for all files exchanged, whether internal or external, and empowers businesses to achieve their operational and regulatory requirements.
Remasys’ file transfer experts work with businesses to understand their critical transfer requirements and to construct solutions that deliver across diverse geographies, technologies and protocols. In addition, i-Bahn is delivered as managed service, allowing businesses to focus their resources on core activities whilst gaining valued file transfer expertise.